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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scouting Locations

Last weekend Ryan and I were doing some research, building up my locations list for shoots, specifically senior shoots. The more I look and pick my brain the more interesting, unique locations I find. The setting and surroundings are a very important element in a successful shoot, so why not find something amazing?

Ryan's becoming my stand in model for all the last-minute adventures with the camera. I'm so thankful for the man that he is, his selfless heart and desire to serve. I could not do this without him!

Will you follow me once again as I share pics of Ryan? These are partly to show some of the locations, just for fun, and maybe more than anything an outlet.

Here he is climbing around this crumby shack so I can take some pics. Thanks RYAN!

This is his and my favorite....I love the placement, lighting, and how cool the cement looks.

Carrying the bags. This is half what there normally is to lug around.

I'm in love with this skirt, and keeping with my tradition to capture my feet (so un-original, I know) I had to take advantage of the lovely color palate happening here.

His expression makes me laugh here, plus the BIIIIG leg distortion.

That's all I got folks, thanks for stopping by! Please let me know what you think, leave some comments, share some love. ; )

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Super Hero Mix-Up Party

What better way to usher in the warmth of summer than a super hero party for a five-year-old? My nephew Isaiah is now 5, (crazy how time flies!) and we celebrated his special day with lots of family, hot dogs, presents, blue cake, and more leotards than I care to mention. Even in the midst of what I consider the Sturm's day-to-day family chaos of loud talking, kids being kids, dogs barking and my dad coming out in a robe dressed up as Johnny Rocco, I was so thankful for the close fellowship we have and am so blessed to be part of a big, loving family!

Addie, Isaiah, and Ezra...these are their 'goofy' faces.
Here's Zeekie, Isaiah's brother..what a cute little outfit, right? Carli (mommy) sewed it for him!

Miss Addie May, Isaiah's cousin, in the playhouse my dad built in the back yard. The kids absolutely love it!

This is Maddy, Isaiah's friend. She's such a sweetheart!

The birthay boy, making a crazy face as usual!

Meet Mike & Sally, my sister and brother-in-law. Sally was super color girl, and mike was...something like flash lightening? He had a disguisting black curly wig on previous to this picture, but I guess the sun and bbq just got to him.

HOT DOG Time!!!
Thanks Mike :)

Addie and Henry, my parent's dog.

Zeek is such a pill to photograph. He take's after his mother's high blink rate in photos, but here's a really cute one of him and Maddy.

And of course, there were presents. This is a big bike for a big boy!

Isaiah and his daddy Michael reading the huge card that Sally and Mike made for him.

Thank You Hugs!

Johnny Rocco (grandpa) gave him a fresh crab to eat. Yes, it smelled!

This is part of that 'chaos' I was talking about earlier!


Blowing out the 5 candles.

And these are some of my favorites, the kids outside playing in the sun with bubbles.

Ezekiel & Ezra. Cousins.


Isn't this guy adorable!?!

Sally and I were helping Ezra with his bubbles.

And finally, the woman who made this all possible, a person I idolize and love with every bit of my heart, Carli--0r--I mean, Super Mommy. She's expecting her third kiddo in October and you can see she's got the pregnant 'glow'. (It's a girl by the way)! For Mother's day I gave her a gift certificate for a free maternity session, and I just can't wait for September to roll around for her shoot!

If you want to learn more about booking with Ashley Sturm Photography or have questions about my rates for children, family, maternity, seniors, or events, please visit my website at or email me at!

Ryan - Salem, OR Photographer

Ryan and I went out last Saturday to scout out some fresh new locations. We hit up a couple spots I've noticed in and around town but this one was my favorite.

Last weekend was the first time it's hit 80 degrees this year, and we were soaking in the sun. It was so much fun being outside, hanging with my boy, and using my new camera!

Our first try on this looked a little more like barfing on a dandelion than blowing wishes.

Love this one!

The END!!!

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